i can get down to you any time at all. from noon on. sooner is better for me. i can meet ya anywhere, you name it ez for you.
I’ll meet you up at the mall?
Also for $30 i’ll give you the one on the rock with Brarium. Interested?
yep! gimme a time and store/door at the mall. this is dover mall or blue hen? i’m grey haired with a grey goatee, older than dirt, green huge warm coat
really dumb. cell 3590696
Gimme a call anytime Ryan, I’m around all day…
Let me know if you want to on or off base. two two two-7043
edited to remove phone number. you don’t want this information searchable by bots on the internet
Thanks Ryan, it is open and bubbled right up. LMK how you make out with the frogspawn and star polyps.
Adicted is it 302 area code? I tried 302-222-etc but got Voicemail for Scott?
ryan, mine is deciding to take a walk. on the substrate. the others look fantastic.
Any pictures any body? I am getting mine in 30 minutes GolfC
They will wander looking for a place where flow is to their liking or where they get fed. To keep them from moving spot feed frozen food like brine or mysis. Not a whole cube cuz they will spit out excess. I hope it does well in your tanks guys.
BTW Some of these were ready to split again in my tank so maybe you’ll have two soon.
My clown was hosted before my lights went out last night.
Thanks Ryan.
no hosting going on, but the nem looks just great, as does the briarium. the other frag has not shown any polyps yet. many thanks, ry.
Update on hosting? Any splits? Also Moliken the orange monti won’t really show rapid growth unless you have nice lighting otherwise as long as it stays it’s color it’s doing well!
my percs ignore the rbta, and no splits, but it’s on the bottom of the tank. should i move the rock higher; i’m worried that the nem will move, who knows where if i move the rock too much. it was hand fed a piece of shrimp, which it ate greedily on sunday. we love it, constantly changing shape.
thanks for the monti info. my lighting is good, plenty, 3 t5ho in a nova extreme w/3 actinics
One of mine is doing real well, has not move at all sine I put him in and hosting my Gold Stripe Maroon. The other one keeps moving in and out under the rock in my nano. Not as big as the other one but is bubble really nicely.
Good to hear but Moliken are you sure you have a true perc.? The Osc. clown which looks really close will not host in the RBTA normally. I had the RBTA and two Osc. for bout 7 months and no hosting until i got a sebae anenome. They never leave it. But my tomato hosted the RBTA immediately.
Good news Buds! Clowns don’t absaputely need an anemone for spawning. The anemone is just their defense scheme against predators. They lay their eggs elswhere in the open. but you don’t have any clown predators in your tank. Do You?
My clowns have been “Hosting” in a frilly green mushroom. While laying their eggs next to it on the same big oyster shell it grows on. OOPS!! they did it again this weekend, even after i bug bombed the tank for red flat worms last weekend, with pig dewormer. clowns are fine. I over did the dose a bit and lost a couple acros, but zapped the worms. tank and bio filter are in recovery mode with lots of carbon filtering and poly pads and purigen.
but clowns and nems look so dam cute together!